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The Talking News Federation (TNF) helps over 300 local Talking Newspapers to deliver local news and information in audio to visually impaired and print disabled people.

Become a Listener
Are you visually impaired or print disabled and want to access your local news, magazines and information in audio – for free? If so your local Talking Newspaper can help. For further information click here.

Become a TNF Member
The Talking News Federation offers a range of benefits to local Talking Newspapers. Not a member of TNF? Missing out on all the benefits? Want to join? For more information on membership, click here.

Work With Us
Are you keen to help visually impaired people access local news and information? Why not volunteer for your local Talking Newspaper? For information about volunteering roles in local TNs and in TNF, or if you’re a VI organisation who’d like to work with us, click here.
- Kings Access Technology Ltd.It has been announced that Kings Access Technology Ltd has ceased trading. This will have a major effect on local TN operations in their present form. We will need to take stock as to how to move forward. Some long-term thinking will be needed. TNF hopes that new solutions will present themselves in the fullness… Read More »Kings Access Technology Ltd.
Our Impact
Newspapers and magazines recorded by Talking Newspapers
Listeners receiving a local Talking Newspaper or magazine every week
Volunteers producing the Talking Newspaper or magazine